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An opening ceremony of expansion with the  help of Rotary Club of Sangli, Mid town, Dr. Vinay kumar Pai-Raykar from Goa and R. Mallikarjun.


At an interview on “Family health” – popular actress Ela Bhate.


On occasion of senior citizen day senior citizens are honoured by artist and writer Tara Bhawalkar


At seminar on oldage nursing services social worker Vidya Bal and Geetali Vm with Dr. Vaibhav Mane and Dr. Namdev Kasture.


Sanjay kaka Patil (M.P) visited center and assurred help to the oldage center affectionately.


World Nursing Day- Nurses were honoured by the editors of Sanvedana: Vinod Shirsath and poet Santosh Pawar.          


Launching of extended construction of Sanvedana Shushrusha Center.



A speech on Inner world of oldage-Popular Actor Dr. Mohan Aagashe.


At construction site of expansion Sr. Journalist kumar ketkar and Sharada Sathe.

Publication of book about Sanvedana Shri Sunilkumar Lawate, commissioner Ravindra Khebudkar, Suresh Patil.


An idea conceived to start ‘Sanvedana’ while writeup ‘Chikhlache Paie’ for Sadhana weekly. The book published by Sr. journalist Suresh Dwadashiwar with Sharad Patil, Vinod Shirsath.