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‘ Sanvedana Shushrusha Center’

Careful attention to the Oldaged Bedridden persons..

Abraham Heschel says,“When I was young ,I admired clever people. Now that I am old , I admire kind people.”

              Sanvedana has been started  to provide Loving Care, Security and trust worthy services to the oldaged and bedridden persons. Their problems are increasing in today’s speedy and competitive world. Many nuclear families are suffering through this as well. It has now become a major social issue. Considering all these problems our group of family doctors has stepped forward to form this center.We run this center on No profit, No loss basis.

           Taking care of such old aged and physically disabled persons at home is not feasible in all cases. When both the spouses are working it becomes worse. This center has proved to be a helping hand towards such families. It’s not only provides nursing facilities but also proves better in various services and hospitality.